...Delinquency Matters
.........Probation & Wardship
............Conditions: Travel Restrictions
6 Cards On This Topic:
  • Condition that D stay away from all Home Depot stores failed Lent's 1st and 3d factors—because D stole from a Home Depot store, the condition was reasonably related to his crime and directed at curbing his future criminality.
  • Probation conditions limiting purposes for which American juvenile living in Mex. could enter U.S., and effectively banishing him, were overbroad and not reasonably related to underlying smuggling offense.
  • Condition that U.S. citizen/minor not return to U.S. while on probation was unreasonable and impermissibly infringed upon him constit'l rights of freedom of travel, association and assembly.
  • Probation condition absolutely banning minor's travel to Mexico under any circumstances was neither reasonable nor tailored to fit his reformative and rehabilitative needs.
  • Probation condition requiring minor gang member to stay out of L.A. County, unless accompanied by parent or with permission from probation officer, not unconstitutional.
  • Travel restrictions as condition of probation valid, provided tailored to fit individual probationer.