...Death of a Spouse
......Effect on Property Issues
.........ERISA Issues
6 Cards On This Topic:
  • W’s MSA waiver of her interest in H’s ERISA SIP plan was not a prohibited assignment or alienation; however, since H had not named another beneficiary, plan properly paid benefits to her.
  • To extent it applies to ERISA plans, Wash. statute, which provides that designation of a spouse as beneficiary of nonprobate asset is revoked on divorce, is preempted by ERISA.
  • ERISA preempts state law allowing nonparticipant spouse to transfer by testamentary instrument an interest in undistributed pension plan benefits.
  • Because Cal. court order was not a QDRO, it impermissibly alienated H's pension benefits to W as a deceased former spouse; order conflicted with ERISA's anti-alienation provision and was therefore preempted.
  • California's no contest law not preempted by ERISA to extent pension plan benefits at issue.
  • Authorities discussing survivorship rights.