...Custody and Visitation
......Paternity/Surrogacy Issues
.........Assisted Reproduction
10 Cards On This Topic:
  • Assisted Reproduction Defined.
  • Jurisdiction over person causing conception with the intent to become a legal parent via assisted reproduction.
  • Parties who may bring action to declare existence or nonexistence of parent-child relationship.
  • When action may be brought.
  • Special rules for assisted reproduction.
  • Given clear language of FC 7613(b), and finding that insemination occurred artificially, court erred in recognizing donor as C's natural father and concluding mother estopped from relying on FC 7613(b).
  • Just as H deemed lawful father of unrelated child when W bears by artificial insemination, H & W deemed lawful parents after surrogate bears biologically unrelated child on their behalf.
  • Father whose sperm used to artificially inseminate mother without physician, properly awarded parental rights.
  • Issues relating to surrogacy
  • Custody issues-same sex partners.