Custody and Visitation
Factors Considered in Cust./Visit. Award
.........Expert's Recommendation
6 Cards On This Topic:
Because court awarded mother sole legal custody based on EC 730 evaluator's biased report and on C's statements which may have been influenced by E's bias, custody order and order denying F's motion to remove E reversed.
As custody mediation mandatory and mediator's (M) report to be weighed with all other evidence, court could properly rely on M's report of interview with 5 yr. old without personally interviewing him.
Fact that parent continues to deny molestation allegations, and psychologist opines s/he hasn’t "internalized" parenting lessons, doesn’t support finding of detriment.
Trial court need not adopt opinions of experts but may fashion own conclusions from evidence they present.
Mediation is mandatory in a case where one parent in joint custody arrangement wishes to change residence.
Discussion of Expert's Custody Reports.