...Custody and Visitation
......Juvenile-Family Law Court Issues
.........Transfer to Family Court
7 Cards On This Topic:
  • In modifying juv. ct.'s Exit Order, fam. ct. struck an appropriate balance in agreeing changed circumstances warranted modification of mother's visitation schedule but finding the changes did not justify her request for custody.
  • Dispositional order reversed where it erroneously conditioned family ct.'s modification of juvenile ct.'s custody and visitation exit order upon proof of F's completion of drug and parenting programs and counseling.
  • Juvenile ct. abused its discretion by rejecting parents' settlement agreement and making its own custody/visitation orders before terminating dependency jurisdiction; remand to family court required.
  • Jurisdict'l and disposit'l orders reversed where no risk factors justified declaring Cs of recently divorced parents dependents of court, removing them from F's custody and control and restricting him to monitored visits.
  • Juven. court exit order requiring parents' mediated agreement re telling C about his paternity, was proper, a collateral order reasonably related to custody and visitation orders; rulings properly moved custody dispute to family court.
  • F should have had notice of termination of jurisdiction hearing insofar as it involved exit orders in which he should have had input.
  • Noncustodial parent entitled to evidentiary hearing before juv. court decides custody and visitation issues ancillary to termination of jurisdiction and transfer to fam. court.