Community Property Issues
Specific Assets
9 Cards On This Topic:
Valuation of autos for dissolution
An automobile is not a "tangible article[] of a personal nature" capable of being gifted without a writing pursuant to FC 852(c).
Court properly adjusted Kelly Blue Book value of car by deferred maintenance.
Value of auto for bankruptcy purposes is determined by low Kelley Blue Book figure.
Use of H's car by W did not amount to a gift to her.
Putting W's name on title to automobile found to be gift to her. Reasons other than pure affection do not rebut donative intent.
W overcame presumption that car in joint names was c/p. C/P payments ignored as "inconsiderable." (Pre-Fam. Code §2581.)
Automobile title in names of H "or" W is deemed to be joint tenancy.
Form of registration for mobile homes, campers or floating homes.