...Community Property Issues
......Duties/Management & Control
.........Actions Held Breach of Duty
8 Cards On This Topic:
  • H properly charged with increased value of stocks he sold in violation of ATROs.
  • Actions for damages for breach of duty of care during marriage limited to grossly negligent or reckless conduct, intentional misconduct, or a knowing violation of law.
  • Fiduciary standard properly applied due to H's management of c/p funds over W's objection and making imprudent loan from frozen account.
  • W’s failure to disclose information that she was in a superior position to obtain about nature and value of assets held breach of fiduciary duty.
  • Wife liable for attorney fees and lost value due to her refusal to comply with court order to sell family residence.
  • Using c/p asset to pay off s/p obligation held to be violation of duty to manage c/p in good faith.
  • Although H not held to standard of trustee, he may not obtain "unfair advantage" over W; H must account for funds received immediately prior to separation or be charged for them.
  • Voidability of gifts of c/p; naming others as beneficiaries of death benefit proceeds.