Summary Judgment & Summary Adjudication
Declarations & Affidavits
Documents Attached
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Authentication required for admission.
Altered documents may be authenticated.
Authentication is not limited by statute.
Authentication by subscribing witness not required.
Authentication by other evidence.
Quantum of evidence required to authenticate writing.
Authentication by direct observation.
Authentication by admission.
Authentication by proving genuineness of handwriting.
Witness with personal knowledge of handwriting may provide personal opinion to authenticate.
Authentication through handwriting comparison by trier of fact.
Authentication by expert testimony.
Authentication of writing over 30 yrs. old by comparison with writing purporting to be genuine and respected as such by persons with interest in knowing if genuine.
Authentication by response or reply.
Authentication by content.
Ancient writings may be authenticated; presumptions.
When copies of documents not incorporated by reference in decl. and declarant’s statements dependent not on docs but on personal knowledge, need not authenticate.
Affidavits that depend on written docs are incompetent unless original docs or certified or authenticated copies attached to affidavit, or excuse for nonproduction shown.