...Spousal Support
.........Discretion of Court
11 Cards On This Topic:
  • In making spousal support order, court may consider any factors deemed just and equitable.
  • Cases where trial court's discretion has been affirmed are of less precedential value than cases finding abuse of discretion.
  • Trial court must consider (former) Civil Code section 4801 (a) factors, but final decision rests with court's discretion.
  • Trial court has broad discretion in awarding spousal support. Failure to award support reversed.
  • Low award affirmed, even if larger award might be appropriate.
  • Latitude of trial court's discretion explained.
  • In setting amount of spousal support, court may consider almost anything relating to lives of parties.
  • Court has broad discretion in setting support. Low amount affirmed, provided court retains jurisdiction to modify.
  • Trial court's discretion, although broad, is not unlimited.
  • Order that spousal support be paid on a sliding scale of paying spouse's earnings held abuse of discretion.
  • In exercising discretion, court must consider all factors in Fam. Code §4320.