...The Child Witness
.........Minor Found Incompetent
8 Cards On This Topic:
  • Reversible error to admit M’s hearsay stmts in social report where not determined if M understand duty to tell truth or if stmts admissible under child dependency exception.
  • Mother not deprived of constitut'l right to call C as witness where evidence indicated it would be detrimental to C to discuss permanency, and she did not have capacity to opine about adoption.
  • Because notice and unavailability requirements not met, mother's testimony about child abuse victim's out of court statements not properly admitted per Evid. Code §1360 hearsay exception.
  • Minor who does not know difference between truth and lie is incompetent to testify.
  • Statements of allegedly molested minor re precocious sexual knowledge and statements admitted to show M feared father were inadmissible hearsay.
  • Insufficient evidence to support removal and substance abuse testing for parents; error to admit incompetent minor’s social study comments.
  • Minor’s statements re abuse by father not inadmissible on basis of competency where inability to testify was probably result of fear caused by formality of proceedings.
  • Hearsay statements in social report by child later found incompetent to testify admissible where incompetency not based on inability to distinguish truth and falsehood.