...Judicial Arbitration
......Award & Postarbitration Matters
.........Filing & Service
7 Cards On This Topic:
  • Arbitrator must file award in actual ct. where action pending.
  • Arbitrator files award within 10 days.
  • Failure to comply with (former) Rule 1615 (b) 10-day filing period does not justify reversal as it is not jurisdictional but directory only.
  • Arbitrator must serve award on each party.
  • Absent compliance with proof of service requirements of (former) Rule 1616 (a), Ds' request for trial de novo ineffective and arbitration award became final by operation of law.
  • Filing of award ineffective until service as actual service essential to confer jurisdiction to act further in arbitration proceeding.
  • Court may allow up to 20 additional days for filing and service of award in unusually long or complex case.