...Delinquency Matters
......Certification (Fitness) Hearings
.........Fitness Hearing: Timing
5 Cards On This Topic:
  • Hearing for minors over 16 to determine whether unfit to be dealt with under juvenile court law shall be after PO investigation and prior to attachment of jeopardy.
  • Fitness hearing must be conducted prior to attachment of jeopardy.
  • Legislature intended list of crimes contained in W&IC 707 (former) (b) to serve as a reference list and to apply to minors younger than 16.
  • Delay in start of fitness hearing for detained minor beyond 13 judicial day period mandated by rule of court does not require dismissal of hearing.
  • Ms’ 1st degree murder with special circumstances convictions did not make them ineligible for CYA; court required to obtain W&IC 707.2 diagnostic study before prison sentencing.