...Dependency Petitions
......Selection & Implement. Hrg.
.........Assessment Reports
11 Cards On This Topic:
  • Preparation of assessment reports.
  • Deficiencies in assessment report go to weight of evidence.
  • Proper to augment record on appeal to include addendum report on positive home study of grandparents, which showed issue of conflicting holdings and reliance on improper testimony was moot.
  • Parent may waive objection that adoption assessment doesn't comply with W&IC 366.21(i), but claim of insufficient evidence of adoptability at contested hearing not waived by failure to argue it in juv. court.
  • Evidence of adoptability did not meet clear and convincing standard where assessment did not note approved families willing to adopt and stepfather's desire to adopt not sufficient where criminal and CPS history not addressed.
  • Father did not have statutory or due process "right" at Welf. & Inst. Code §366.26 hearing to cross-examine authors of social worker reports.
  • Breakdown of actual amount of visitation F spent with M would not resolve question whether M would benefit from continuing relationship with F.
  • M’s statement re adoption required unless age or physical, emotional, or other condition precludes meaningful response.
  • F waived right to challenge adequacy of adoption assessment on appeal by failing to object in trial court.
  • Substantial compliance with requirements for contents of assessment report is sufficient.
  • Guardianship order reversed because social study report statutorily deficient.