...Procedure After Trial/Hearing
......Statement of Decision/Findings/Reasons
.........Time to Request/Procedure
14 Cards On This Topic:
  • Party has limited time within which to request statement of decision.
  • When a matter is deemed submitted to a trial court.
  • Party requesting specific findings should draft and propose them to the court.
  • Time to request Findings of Fact extended by 5 days for mailing.
  • Request for statement of decision, made after tentative decision filed in trial concluding in less than 8 hours over more than one day, was untimely.
  • Request for statement of decision after trial lasting more than one day may be made orally.
  • Request for statement of decision may be made prior to announcement of tentative decision.
  • Time to request statement of decision begins to run from date clerk mails copy of minute order or tentative decision.
  • Time to request statement of decision per CCP 632 is extended if tentative decision mailed.
  • A matter tried in less than one day is not "submitted" for purposes of requesting a statement of decision until counsel have had an opportunity to complete closing arguments.
  • Written statement of decision following oral statement of decision is not error.
  • Statement of reasons in joint custody decisions must be requested within a reasonable time.
  • In hearing of less than one day, general request for statement of decision made prior to submission of matter, followed by written specification of controverted issues, complies with statute.
  • Cases dealing with procedural issues related to statements of decisions.