......Judgment Liens/Abstracts
13 Cards On This Topic:
  • Lien on real property for support obligation is created by recording certified copy of judgment, interstate lien form or an abstract of judgment.
  • Requirements for recordation of abstract of support order or judgment.
  • Agency enforcing Title IV-D support obligation may record notice of support judgment.
  • Agency enforcing child support obligation may record abstract of judgment with its own address instead of that of obligee.
  • DCSS may transmit, file and record electronic real property child support liens.
  • Requirements for non-support Abstract of Judgment.
  • H entitled to judgment lien on W's interest in trust estate to satisfy c/p judgment he held against her; trial court erred in failing to exercise its discretion when it denied H's CCP §709.010 petition.
  • The amount of a support judgment lien is fixed at the time of either a transfer or encumbrance, whichever occurs first.
  • Judgment lien on real property interest held by a tenant in common survives both change in title to joint tenancy and death of debtor joint tenant.
  • Valid judgment lien recorded against H under full name gave constructive notice to buyer of H's property, sold under another name, where buyer's escrow agent had actual knowledge of both names.
  • Subsequently recorded abstract of judgment ineffective to attach previously conveyed property.
  • Recording certified copy of order for child support, with copy of original judgment attached, perfects valid lien.
  • Abstract of judgment that does not contain either Social Security number or drivers license number when they are readily available is void.