...United States Code, Title 25
§479 Definitions
§1901 Indian Child Welfare Act: Findings
§1902 Congressional declaration of policy
§1903 Definitions
§1911 Indian tribe jurisdiction over Indian child custody proceedings
§1912 Pending court proceedings
§1913 Parental rights; voluntary termination
§1914 Petition to court of competent jurisdiction to invalidate action upon showing of certain violations
§1915 Placement of Indian children
§1916 Return of custody
§1917 Tribal affiliation information for protection of rights from tribal relationship; disclosure by court
§1918 Reassumption of jurisdiction over child custody proceedings
§1919 Agreements between States and Indian tribes
§1920 Improper removal of child from custody; declination of jurisdiction; immediate return of child; danger exception
§1921 Higher State or Federal standard applicable to protect rights of parent or Indian custodian of Indian child
§1922 Emergency removal or placement of child; termination; appropriate action
§1923 Effective date
§1951 Information availability to and disclosure by Secretary