...Government Code
§810 Definitions govern construction
§810.2 Employee defined
§810.4 Employment defined
§810.6 Enactment defined
§810.8 Injury defined
§811 Law defined
§811.2 Definition of public entity
§811.4 Public employee defined
§811.6 Regulation defined
§811.8 Statute defined
§811.9 State officers and employees of trial court; representation by Judicial Council
§815.6 Public entity mandatory duty; liability for injury
§820 Public employee is just as liable for injury caused by his act or omission of private person; same defenses
§820.2 Discretionary acts or omissions
§821.6 Public employee liability for initiating proceeding
§835 Conditions of public entity's liability for injury
§910 Required contents of claim
§911.2 Time to present claims; limitation
§3060 Accusation of misconduct against public official
§3073 Removal of district attorney
§3074 Removal of officer
§3301 Definition; legislative findings and declarations
§3303 Conditions of interrogation of public safety officer
§3304 Protection of procedural rights
§3307 Polygraph examination of public safety officer
§3307.5 Officer's photograph or identity on the Internet; consent
§6103.5 Inclusion of fees in judgment for public agency
§6250 Legislative findings and declarations
§6251 California Public Records Act
§6252 Definitions
§6252.5 Elected members' or officers' access to public records
§6252.7 Members of legislative body of local agency authorized to access a writing of the body or agency; non-discrimination among members as to writing or availability
§6253 Inspection of public records
§6253.1 Public request to inspect records, public agency assistance; exceptions
§6253.2 Release of information on state-compensated persons providing in-home or personal care services
§6253.3 Agency may not allow another party to control disclosure of information
§6253.31 Public disclosure of contract requiring private entity to review, audit, or report on aspect of agency
§6253.4 State and local bodies; guidelines for access to records
§6253.5 Items not deemed public records
§6253.6 Bilingual ballot or pamphlet requests not public records
§6253.9 Public record in electronic format; requirements for producing
§6254 Disclosure of certain records not required
§6254.1 Disclosure of residence address
§6254.5 Disclosure of public record; waiver of specified exemptions
§6254.9 Computer software developed by state, local agency not a public record
§6254.13 Disclosure of test questions or materials from statewide examination
§6254.14 Disclosure of Department of Corrections health care services contract negotiations
§6254.15 Disclosure of agency incentives to retain private businesses
§6254.16 Disclosure of utility customer information
§6254.17 Disclosure of State Board of Control records on assistance requests
§6254.18 Exclusion of personal information; definitions
§6254.19 Limitation on disclosure of information security record of a public agency
§6255 Justification for withholding records from inspection
§7060 Prohibition against compelling property owner to lease accommodations
§7060.1 When chapter does not apply
§7060.2 Regulation of rent-controlled property on re-offer for lease after withdrawal
§7060.3 Application of rent control to successor in interest of withdrawn property; recording notice
§7060.4 Regulations governing notice by owner on withdrawal
§7060.5 Procedure for adopting regulations; repeal
§7060.6 Owner's noncompliance with regulations in unlawful detainer proceedings; tenant/lessee's rights in defense
§7060.7 Legislative intent to supersede judicial decision; exceptions
§7285 Legislative findings, declaration re employment protections available despite immigration status
§7460 Title
§7465 Defined terms
§9605 Amended statutes; construction
§11343.6 Presumptions relating to validity of regulation or order of repeal filed with Secretary of State
§11344.6 Presumptions concerning regulations published in California Code of Regulations
§11435.60 Advisement of party's right to interpreter
§11440.45 Statements, writings expressing sympathy are inadmissible; statements of fault not inadmissible
§11507.6 Request for discovery
§11513 Oral evidence; rights of parties; conduct of hearing; interpreter
§11514 Affidavit; request for cross-examination of affiant by opposing party
§11524 Continuances; good cause; time limits; judicial review following denial
§12965 Written accusation by department; class complaints; right-to-sue notice; civil action; transfer to court in lieu of hearing
§18576 Judicial notice
§27491 Deaths requiring coroner's inquiry
§27491.8 Subpoena of privileged communications by coroner for limited purpose
§34090 Destruction of city records
§68092 Payment of interpreter's fees
§68092.1 Courts must provide interpreters to all parties who require one; government commitment to goal
§68096.1 Compensation of public employees obliged by subpoena to testify
§68152 Destruction of court records by clerk; notice; time periods
§68560 Legislative declarations relating to California residents' language needs
§68560.5 Interpreters; court proceeding
§68561 Interpreters: approved lists
§68562 Court interpreters: languages
§68563 Interpreters: recommendations
§68564 Interpreters: standards
§68565 Court interpreters--certification
§68566 Interpreters: certification
§68600 Trial Court Delay Reduction Act
§68603 Judicial Council standards of timely disposition of civil and criminal actions
§68604 Statistics on compliance with standards
§68605 Exemplary delay reduction program
§68605.5 Application of article
§68606 Selection of judges for program
§68607 Judges' duties
§68607.5 Removal of action from program
§68608 Nonassignment of cases
§68609 Assignment of new and existing cases; types of cases not to be assigned; sanctions
§68609.5 Arbitration of uninsured motorist cases
§68610 Judge training program
§68611 Repealed
§68612 Procedures, standards, and policies
§68616 Time limitations unaffected by delay reduction rules
§68617 Centers for Complex Litigation; report to Legislature and Governor
§69844.5 Clerks to certify and submit specified criminal conviction records
§71280.5 Repealed
§81000 Title
§81001 Findings; declaration
§81002 Purposes
§81003 Construction
§81004 Reports and statements
§81004.5 Amendments to reports and statements
§81006 Fees
§81007 Mailing--presumption
§81007.5 Required reports filed by fax
§81008 Inspection of public records
§81009 Statements shall be retained indefinitely
§81009.5 Local government actions; ordinances
§81010 Duties of filing officer
§81011.5 Petitioner signer--information required
§81012 Procedures for amendment or repeal of title
§81013 Additional requirements
§81014 Regulations
§81015 Severability
§81016 Effective date of this title