...Family Code
§1 Family Code
§2 Family code; restatement
§3 Family code; effect on uniform act
§4 New law
§5 Family code
§6 Construction
§7 Reference
§8 Definitions
§9 Present tense
§10 Singular numbers
§11 Spouse
§12 Shall
§13 Invalidity
§50 Definitions
§58 Child for whom support may be ordered
§63 Community estate
§65 Community property
§67 County
§70 Determination of date of separation
§80 Employee pension benefit plan
§92 Family support
§95 Income and expense declaration
§100 Judgment; order
§105 Person
§110 "Proceeding"
§113 Property
§115 Property declaration
§125 Quasi-community property
§126 Petitioner includes plaintiff
§127 Respondent
§130 Separate property
§142 Spousal support
§143 Spouse includes registered domestic partner
§145 State
§150 Support
§155 Support order
§170 Definitions
§175 Legislative findings and declaration
§177 Application of Family, Welfare and Institution Code sections and Court Rules
§180 Notice; recipients; requirements
§185 Participation on request of §1903(8) unrecognized tribe to which child belongs
§200 Jurisdiction
§210 Judicial Council rules; general civil rules
§211 Judicial Council
§212 Petition
§213 Hearings
§214 Closed trials
§215 Entry of judgment
§216 Ex parte communications; limitations
§217 Live witness testimony; good cause to refuse; service of witness list
§218 After postjudgment request for order or other motion is filed and served, discovery shall automatically reopen as to the issues raised
§231 TRO: applicability
§232 TRO: enforceability
§233 TRO: duration and violation
§234 TRO: not evidence of prior history
§235 TRO: modification; revocation
§240 TRO: specific proceedings
§240.5 Repealed
§241 TRO: notice; exception
§242 TRO: notice, lack of; OSC
§243 TRO: notice; hearing; continuance
§244 TRO: hearing: precedence; exceptions
§245 TRO: reissuance after non-service
§246 TRO: ex parte; same-day decision
§270 Attorney's fees; ability to pay
§271 Attorney's fees award; as sanction
§272 Attorney's fees award; payable to attorney; court's discretion
§273 Attorney's fees against government agency in family law matter
§274 Attorney's fees and costs as sanction
§290 Enforcement of judgment
§291 Applicability of CCP 683.110 et seq.
§292 Modification of forms
§295 Tribal marriage
§297 Domestic partnership defined
§297.1 Age requirement; procedure
§297.5 Legal effects of Domestic Partnership Declaration
§298 Registration as domestic partners
§298.5 Filing domestic partnership declarations and limitations on filing new ones
§298.6 Names and change of names
§298.7 Confidential domestic partnerships
§299 Termination of registered domestic partnerships
§299.2 Recognition of out-of-state legal unions
§299.3 Letter to registered domestic partners
§299.5 [Repealed]
§299.6 Effect of domestic partnership law on local ordinances
§300 Marriage; validity
§301 Marriage; age
§302 Marriage; underage
§303 Marriage; underage; court consent
§304 Marriage; underage; counseling
§305 Marriage; underage; court consent
§306 Marriage; validity
§306.5 Names and change of names
§307 Validity for religious societies
§308 Validity of out-of-state marriage
§308.5 [Repealed 1/1/15] California Defense of Marriage Act
§309 Dissolution
§310 How marriage is dissolved
§350 License
§351 License: contents
§351.5 License may show business address, or USPS POB for applicant on request
§351.6 Mailing address; requirements
§352 License: capacity
§353 [Repealed] License: minors
§354 Applicant identification
§355 Applicant identification
§356 License expiration
§357 Registry
§358 Health Services brochure
§359 Marriage license
§360 Duplicate license and certificate
§400 Marriage; solemnization
§400.1 [Repealed] Solemnization by elected mayor
§401 Commissioner of civil marriages
§402 Solemnization for nonprofit religious groups
§420 Declaration as husband and wife
§421 Presentation of license
§422 Solemnizer's statement on license
§423 Return of license to registrar
§424 [Repealed] Issuing certificate
§425 No record of solemnization
§426 Issuance to person not a party where parties physically unable to appear
§500 Confidential marriage
§500.5 Marriage certificate upon registration with clerk
§501 Confidential marriage license
§502 Inability to appear in person
§503 Notary's request to issue
§504 Duration and restriction
§505 License form
§506 Presentation and filing
§507 Repealed
§508 Certified copy
§509 Obtaining copy from clerk
§510 Replacement certificate
§511 Clerk maintains as permanent record
§530 Clerk to approve notaries
§531 Application for clerk's approval
§532 Successful completion of course
§533 Term and renewal
§534 Public list of approved notaries
§535 Revocation of approval; determination
§536 Fees for approval or renewal application
§580 Repealed
§581 Repealed
§582 Repealed
§583 Repealed
§584 Repealed
§585 Repealed
§586 Repealed
§587 Repealed
§588 Repealed
§589 Repealed
§590 Repealed
§591 Repealed
§592 Repealed
§593 Repealed
§594 Repealed
§700 Leasehold interest
§720 Marriage responsibilities
§721 Property transactions; fiduciary duty standard
§750 Title to property
§751 Community property interests
§752 Noninterest in separate property
§753 Exclusion from dwelling
§754 Disposition of separate property; joinder
§755 Payment or refund; discharge from adverse claims
§760 Property acquired during marriage
§761 Community property transferred in trust
§770 Separate property
§771 Earnings while living apart
§772 Earnings after separation
§780 PI damages
§781 PI damages as separate property: conditions
§782 Wrongful act against spouse
§782.5 Award of retirement and pension benefits
§783 Wrongful act a concurring cause: not a defense; exceptions
§802 Community property presumptions
§803 Married woman's pre-1975 property
§850 Transmutation of property
§851 Subject to fraudulent transfers laws
§852 Effectiveness of transmutation
§853 Statement in will
§900 Definitions and construction
§902 "Debt"
§903 "Incurred"
§910 Liability of community estate
§911 Earnings during marriage not liable for spouse's premarital debts
§912 Liability of quasi-community property
§913 Liability of separate property
§914 Liability for spouse's debts
§915 Child or spousal support not arising out of marriage
§916 After division of community property and quasi-community property
§920 Right of reimbursement; provisions
§930 Liability of separate and community estate property
§931 Part governs all debts
§1000 Liability for damage caused by other spouse
§1100 Management and control of community property
§1101 Claim for impairment of community property interest
§1102 Joint execution of instrument
§1103 Conservator of estate; control of community property
§1500 Marital property agreements
§1501 Minor's agreements
§1502 Recording of agreements
§1503 Pre-1986 agreements
§1600 Uniform Premarital Agreement Act
§1601 Effective date
§1610 Definitions
§1611 In writing
§1612 Contractual items
§1613 Effective upon marriage
§1614 Amendment or revocation
§1615 Unenforceability
§1616 Voiding of marriage
§1617 Effect of statute of limitations
§1620 Altering legal relations
§1800 Family Conciliation Court Law
§1801 Conciliation: purposes
§1802 Applicability to counties
§1810 Exercise of jurisdiction
§1811 Designation of judge
§1812 Transfer of case for trial or other proceedings
§1813 Substitute judge
§1814 Supervising counselor; other assistants
§1815 Qualifications
§1816 Continuing instruction in domestic violence
§1817 Probation officer's duties
§1818 Status of hearings, communications
§1819 Destruction or preservation of records
§1820 Joint county provision of services
§1830 Jurisdiction if minor or domestic violence
§1831 Petition to invoke jurisdiction
§1832 Form of petition
§1833 Terms
§1834 Availability of forms and assistance
§1835 Conciliation; no filing fee
§1836 Setting hearing; notice
§1837 Time and place for hearing
§1838 Conducted as conference; specialists
§1839 Orders as to conduct; written agreement
§1840 Petition temporarily bars petition for dissolution
§1841 Transfer to conciliation court; conditions
§1842 Conciliation where no minor children; court acceptance; conditions
§1850 Judicial Council: duties
§1851 Advisory committee; grants
§1852 Funds collected
§2000 Marital dissolution proceedings
§2010 Jurisdiction of inquiry and judgment
§2011 Jurisdiction when service of summons
§2012 Motion pending; appearance in opposition
§2013 Collaborative law process by written agreement
§2020 Time for responsive pleading
§2021 Joinder of party claiming interest
§2022 Eavesdropping evidence
§2023 Payment obligation to creditor
§2024 Necessary notice in judgment of dissolution
§2024.5 Redaction of Social Security numbers from Disso petition and response; support collection pleadings excepted
§2024.6 Pleading listing financial assets and liabilities with location and identifying information sealed
§2024.7 Court notice to divorcing parties of possible reduced-cost or no-cost government coverage
§2025 Bifurcation
§2026 Reconciliation in light of contempt
§2030 Attorney's fees award; during pendency of proceeding
§2031 Attorney's fees award; procedure
§2032 Attorney's fees award; criteria
§2033 Attorney's fees; FL attorney's RP lien; encumbrance of CP interest
§2034 FL attorney's RP lien; objection and limitation
§2040 Summons; restraining orders
§2041 Summons; restraining orders; rights of purchaser, etc. without knowledge
§2045 Ex parte orders
§2047 Ex parte orders; procedure and issuance
§2049 Protective, restraining orders; in judgment
§2050 Notice to insurer upon petition
§2051 Notice to insurer upon judgment
§2052 Notice to dependents or others
§2053 Insurer's agent for service of process
§2060 Joinder of employee pension benefit plan
§2061 Pleading on joinder
§2062 Service on employee pension benefit plan
§2063 Notice of appearance
§2064 Plan not required to pay fees
§2065 Plan's default in filing notice
§2070 Article governs; civil action laws
§2071 Notice to plan of proposed settlement
§2072 Plan's appearance at any hearing
§2073 Provisions effective only after service on plan
§2074 Motion to set aside or modify; further evidence
§2080 Restoration of wife's birth or former name
§2081 Denial of restoration
§2082 Common-law name change
§2090 Uniform Divorce Recognition Act
§2091 Divorce in other jurisdiction
§2092 Proof of domicile in State
§2093 Full faith and credit limitation
§2100 Disclosure of assets, liabilities; policy
§2101 Definitions
§2102 Parties' duties
§2103 Preliminary and final disclosures
§2104 Preliminary declaration of disclosure: time for service; procedure
§2105 Final declaration of disclosure: time for service; procedure
§2106 Final declaration; exceptions
§2107 Declarations of disclosure: remedies for noncompliance
§2108 Court-ordered liquidation of CP or quasi-CP assets
§2109 Final declaration of disclosure
§2110 Waiver of final disclosure requirements in defaults
§2111 Disclosure's effect upon work privilege
§2112 Judicial Council forms
§2113 Application of chapter
§2120 Disclosure abuse v. finality of judgments; policy
§2121 Relief from judgment after CCP 473 six-month limit
§2122 Motion to set aside judgment; grounds; time for
§2123 No set aside for judgment inequitable when made
§2124 Negligence of attorney; no imputation to client
§2125 Motion to set aside judgment; applicable provisions only
§2126 Judgment; set aside; equitable valuation of assets
§2127 Motions to set aside; statement of decision
§2128 Judgments; other remedies unchanged
§2129 Application of chapter
§2200 Incestuous marriages
§2201 Subsequent marriage during spouse's life
§2210 Conditions for voiding marriage
§2211 Statute of limitations
§2212 Effect of nullity judgment
§2250 Proceeding based on void marriage
§2251 When both parties believed marriage valid
§2252 Liability of divided property for debts
§2253 Determination of custody
§2254 Support in nullity proceedings
§2255 Fees and costs; conditions
§2300 Residency
§2310 Grounds for dissolution
§2311 Irreconcilable differences
§2312 Insanity
§2313 Support of insane spouse
§2320 Residency
§2321 Amending petition or pleading when residency met
§2322 Separate domicile
§2330 Petition for dissolution; contents
§2330.1 Supplemental complaint for paternity or child support
§2330.3 Assignment to same superior court department
§2330.5 Income and expense declarations
§2331 Service of petition on spouse
§2332 Service on guardian of insane spouse
§2333 Finding of irreconcilable differences
§2334 Continuance if reconciliation possible
§2335 Evidence of misconduct
§2335.5 Request for default judgment; copy mailed to defaulting spouse
§2336 Judgment upon default or referee's statement
§2337 Severance and grant of trial on status; conditions
§2338 Filing of decision; dismissal
§2338.5 Judgment granted by default: requirements
§2339 Six months until final; extension: good cause
§2340 Judgment to specify effective date
§2341 Appeal; effect on dissolution status
§2342 Joint petition revoked; effective date
§2343 Date of termination
§2344 Party's death after entry of judgment
§2345 Legal separation
§2346 Judgment not signed or filed
§2347 Separation no bar to later dissolution
§2348 12-month reports to Judicial Council on judgments in counties
§2400 Summary dissolution procedure; conditions
§2401 Petition: contents
§2402 Revocation of joint petition
§2403 Time for summary dissolution
§2404 Effects
§2405 Rights to set aside judgment
§2406 Judicial Council brochure on proceedings
§2450 Case management
§2451 Family centered resolution plan components
§2452 Modifications by Judicial Council
§2500 Division definitions
§2502 "Separate property"
§2550 Equal division of community estate; exceptions
§2551 Characterization of liabilities
§2552 When valued
§2553 Orders to carry out purpose
§2554 Arbitration of community property division
§2555 Disposition subject to appeal
§2556 Nonadjudicated assets and liabilities: continuing jurisdiction
§2580 Marital property; joint title acquisition; characterization
§2581 Property acquired in joint form
§2600 Exception to equal property division
§2601 Economic circumstances
§2602 Additional award or offset
§2603 "Community estate personal injury damages"
§2603.5 Enforcement of domestic violence judgment against community property where disso pending
§2604 Award to one party
§2610 Orders to ensure share of retirement plan
§2620 Division of unpaid community debts
§2621 Debts before marriage
§2622 Debts during marriage
§2623 Debts after separation, before dissolution
§2624 Debts before termination of marital status
§2625 Separate debts
§2626 Jurisdiction to order reimbursement
§2627 Assignment of separate obligations
§2628 Joint state tax liabilities may be revised in divorce proceeding; requirements
§2640 Contributions to acquisition of property; reimbursement
§2641 Contributions to education or training
§2650 Division of separate property in joint form
§2660 Out-of-state real property
§3000 Definitions
§3002 "Joint custody"
§3003 "Joint legal custody"
§3004 "Joint physical custody"
§3006 "Sole legal custody"
§3007 "Sole physical custody"
§3010 Custody; equal entitlement to
§3011 Custody; best interest of child; factors
§3012 Deportation materially affecting party's ability to appear at child custody proceeding; electronic testimony and evidence
§3020 Legislative intent toward parental contact
§3021 Application
§3022 Custody orders
§3022.3 Statement of decision upon request of party
§3022.5 Motion for reconsideration; false charge of child abuse
§3023 Contested issue of custody; precedence
§3024 Notice of intent to change minor's residence
§3025 Access to records and information
§3025.5 Confidentiality of psychological evaluations, recommendations; disclosure
§3026 Family reunification services
§3027 Allegations of child sexual abuse; measures to protect child; investigation
§3027.1 False accusation of abuse; sanctions
§3027.5 No penalties for false abuse report if lawfully made and on reasonable belief
§3028 Compensation for thwarting of rights
§3029 Custody order; parent receiving AFDC; order to include noncustodial parent's payment of support
§3030 Custody, visitation; restrictions
§3030.5 Modification or termination of custody or unsupervised visitation order; circumstances
§3031 Custody, visitation order; consistency with restraining, protective orders
§3032 One-year court-appointed interpreter pilot projects
§3040 Custody; order of preference
§3041 Custody; to nonparent without parental consent; detriment and best interest of child; findings
§3041.5 Drug, alcohol testing of parent seeking custody, visitation; preponderance of evidence test; hearing after positive test; confidentiality
§3042 Custody; child's wishes considered
§3043 Custody; nomination of guardian of person
§3044 Effect of finding of domestic violence upon custody orders
§3046 When absence from residence not custody factor
§3047 Absence or noncompliance with custody orders; military/National Guard activation and deployment out of state will not alone justify modification
§3048 Order to contain jurisdiction, notice, penalties for violation, country of residence; risk of abduction, factors; preventive measures
§3049 Codification of IRMO Carney re custody and visitation determinations involving disabled parent
§3060 Petition for temporary custody
§3061 Agreement between parties; order
§3062 Ex parte order; avoiding jurisdiction
§3063 Restraint of removing child from state
§3064 Ex parte custody order; immediate harm
§3080 Joint custody presumed in best interests
§3081 Discretion to award joint custody
§3082 Statement of reasons in granting or denying
§3083 Circumstances requiring mutual consent
§3084 Individual rights specified
§3085 Joint legal versus physical custody
§3086 Primary caretaker and home; public assistance
§3087 Modification or termination
§3088 Modification to joint custody order
§3089 Conciliation court assistance
§3100 Reasonable visitation rights
§3101 Visitation; stepparent
§3102 Unemancipated child's parent deceased
§3103 Visitation; grandparent
§3104 Conditions for grandparent visitation
§3105 Visitation; legal guardian
§3110 Custody; court-appointed investigator
§3110.5 Qualifications for child custody evaluators
§3111 Custody; investigation; report
§3112 Custody; investigation; parent's ability to repay county
§3113 Parties to meet separately if history of domestic violence
§3114 Custody; investigator's recommendation for counsel for child
§3115 Custody; court-appointed investigator; presence at trial
§3116 Custody; court-appointed investigator; business of court
§3117 Judicial Council guidelines and standards for investigators
§3118 Custody evaluation required where serious allegations of child sexual abuse
§3120 Action for exclusive custody
§3121 Access to attorneys; order for payment of other party's fees/costs: income, needs assessment
§3130 Whereabouts of party in possession unknown
§3131 DA to locate child and enforce court orders
§3132 DA to act on court's behalf
§3133 Temporary sole physical custody needed to recover child
§3134 Payment of DA's expenses; liability for reimbursement
§3134.5 Protective custody warrant
§3135 UCCJEA does not limit DA's authority
§3140 Party's nonappearance; check for child in Missing Person System
§3150 Appointment of private counsel for minor
§3151 Responsibilities, duties and rights
§3152 Request for release and review of child protective services agency files
§3153 Compensation; county payment
§3160 Mediator made available in super. ct.
§3161 Mediation; purpose
§3162 Mediation; Judicial Council standards
§3163 Mediation; local rules to address problems
§3164 Mediators; qualifications
§3165 Continuing education requirements for supervisors
§3170 Mediation of contested issues
§3171 Mediation of nonparent visitation
§3172 Mediation where paternity at issue
§3173 Petition for mediation
§3175 Mediation; calendaring
§3176 Mediation; notice
§3177 Mediation; confidentiality
§3178 Mediation; scope
§3179 Mediation agreements; modification
§3180 Mediator; right to interview child
§3181 Mediation; domestic violence; separate meetings
§3182 Mediation; exclusion of counsel
§3183 Mediation; custody, visitation recommendation
§3184 Mediation; appointment of counsel for child
§3185 Mediation; hearing on unresolved issues
§3186 Mediation agreement; report to counsel; agreement of all parties
§3188 Confidential mediation program, selected counties
§3190 Court-ordered outpatient counseling
§3191 Counseling's purpose
§3192 Separate counseling
§3200 Supervised visitation provider standards
§3200.5 JC standards for supervised visitation providers; DV or child abuse situations
§3201 Supervised visitation administration; Court to administer programs
§3201.5 Programs administered by family law division
§3202 Compliance with standards
§3203 Family Law Division to administer program
§3204 Federal grant funds
§3400 Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA)
§3401 General purposes
§3402 UCCJEA definitions
§3403 UCCJEA not applicable to adoptions or emergency medical care
§3404 ICWA and UCCJEA
§3405 Foreign country's custody determination
§3406 Proper determination by court is conclusive
§3407 Priority for challenges to jurisdiction
§3408 Notice to persons outside of California
§3409 Participation in UCCJEA action does not subject parent to other jurisdiction
§3410 Court may communicate with courts in other states
§3411 Testimony of out of state witnesses
§3412 Requests that may be made of courts in other states
§3413 Recognition of other state's decree
§3414 Modification of other state's decree
§3415 Section 3140 applicable
§3416 Other state's decree may be filed with the clerk
§3417 Clerk's registry; contents
§3418 Forwarding certified copies
§3419 Any party may depose out-of-state witness
§3420 Court may order out-of-state court to hold hearing, person to give evidence
§3421 Jurisdictional requirements for custody order
§3422 Exclusive and continuing jurisdiction
§3423 Modification of out of state custody orders
§3424 Temporary emergency jurisdiction
§3425 All appropriate persons are entitled to prior notice
§3426 Prior proceedings pending in other states
§3427 Inconvenient forum
§3428 Declining jurisdiction where unjustifiable conduct present
§3429 Information about child to be provided to court in initial pleading
§3430 Parties may be ordered to appear with or without child
§3441 Petitioner and respondent defined
§3442 Hague orders may be enforced as if regular custody order
§3443 Other states' orders to be generally recognized and enforced
§3444 Temporary custody order limits
§3445 Registration of out of state custody orders
§3446 Courts may enforce, but not modify, other states' custody orders
§3447 Communication between enforcing court and modifying court
§3448 Requirements for UCCJEA petitions
§3449 Service of petition and order
§3450 Immediate custody of child; exceptions
§3451 Warrant to take immediate physical custody of child
§3452 Costs and expenses awarded to prevailing party
§3453 Full faith and credit to other states' decrees
§3454 Appeal from final orders
§3455 Authority of DA
§3456 Law enforcement officers to assist locate or retrieve children
§3457 DA's costs may be retrieved
§3461 UCCJEA promotes uniformity
§3462 Severability of provisions
§3465 Law in effect when action filed prevails
§3500 Definitions
§3515 "Separate property"
§3550 "Obligee"
§3551 Attaching privilege of disclosure inapplicable
§3552 Tax records in support proceedings
§3554 Order under division appealable
§3555 Support paid through designated county officer
§3556 Support due unaffected by visitation
§3557 Attorney's fees award; criteria, applicable proceedings
§3558 Potential requirement to attend vocational programs
§3580 Written agreement of separation and child support
§3585 Child support provisions separate and severable
§3586 Combined child and spousal support
§3587 Stipulated agreement to support adult child
§3590 Spousal support provisions separate and severable
§3591 Provisions modifiable or terminable; limitations
§3592 Obligation discharged in bankruptcy
§3593 Statute of limitations
§3600 Temporary support orders: jurisdiction
§3601 Duration of temporary child support order
§3602 Reconciliation: support orders unenforceable
§3603 Modification or termination: limitation
§3604 Order is without prejudice
§3620 Expedited support order
§3621 Support order without hearing
§3622 Expedited support order: filing requirements
§3623 Limited jurisdiction
§3624 When effective
§3625 Response to application for expedited support order
§3626 Time for hearing
§3627 Notice of hearing
§3628 Notice not given; effective date of expedited support order
§3629 Production of tax forms, other documents
§3630 Amount of expedited support order
§3631 Order after hearing
§3632 Effective time
§3633 Modification or termination
§3634 Judicial Council forms
§3650 "Support order"
§3651 Modification or termination
§3652 Award of fees and costs
§3653 Retroactivity
§3654 Request for statement of decision re support order
§3660 Modification or termination: inexpensive discovery
§3662 Alternative methods of discovery
§3663 Requests for discovery: frequency
§3664 Request for current income and expense declaration
§3665 Tax returns
§3666 Enforcement
§3667 Income and expense declaration inaccurate; sanctions
§3668 Judicial Council to adopt forms
§3680 Simplified procedure for modification of support order
§3680.5 Local DCSS agency shall monitor child support cases
§3681 Repealed
§3682 Repealed
§3683 Repealed
§3684 Repealed
§3685 Repealed
§3686 Repealed
§3687 Repealed
§3688 Repealed
§3689 Repealed
§3690 Relief from support order
§3691 Time limits and grounds to set aside orders
§3692 Inequitable support order may not be set aside
§3693 Only offending provisions of order set aside
§3694 Repealed
§3750 "Health insurance coverage"
§3751 Reasonable-cost coverage for supported child
§3751.5 Enrollment of child in employer's health plan
§3752 Local child support agency as assigned payee; notice of coverage
§3752.5 Health coverage notification
§3753 Cost of health insurance additional to child support amount
§3760 Definitions
§3761 Employer ordered to enroll child; notice
§3762 Good cause limitations
§3763 Order of coverage assignment
§3764 Effective time
§3765 Move to quash assignment; conditions
§3766 Commencing coverage
§3767 Provider's responsibilities
§3768 Willful failure to comply
§3769 No grounds for discharge; civil penalty
§3770 Assignment termination: conditions
§3771 Employer-local support agency communication
§3772 Judicial Council forms
§3773 Health insurance coverage assignment
§3780 Repealed
§3781 Repealed
§3782 Repealed
§3800 Definitions
§3801 Deferred sale of home; economic feasibility determination; legislative intent
§3802 Discretion to grant or deny; considerations
§3803 Order to state duration
§3804 Recording in county
§3806 Parties' routine maintenance costs
§3807 Deferred sale order modifiable
§3808 Change of circumstance affecting economic condition
§3809 Reserved jurisdiction on related issues
§3810 Date applicable
§3830 Support calculations; computer software programs; Judicial Council rules
§3900 Equal responsibility to support
§3901 Continuation of duty to support
§3902 Allowance from child's property
§3910 Incapacitated child
§3930 Support of minor grandchild
§3950 Third-party's supplying of necessities
§3951 Compensation to others for voluntary support
§3952 State's claim against parent's estate
§4000 Willful failure to support child
§4001 Compulsion to pay
§4002 County may enforce support; reimbursement
§4003 Support issue separate trial
§4004 Disclosure of FESA public assistance
§4005 Request for court findings on circumstances for support
§4006 Health insurance coverage consideration
§4007 Contingency termination; notice
§4007.5 Money judgment or child support being enforced by local child agency under Title IV-D; required provisions
§4008 All categories of property subject to support
§4009 Retroactivity of support
§4010 Modification procedures
§4011 Support senior to other debts
§4012 Security for payment
§4013 Discharged in bankruptcy
§4014 Notification of current employer
§4050 Child support; uniform guidelines
§4051 [Repealed]
§4052 Child support; departure from uniform guidelines
§4052.5 Child support guidelines when more than two parents
§4053 Child support; principles of uniform guidelines
§4054 Child support; periodic review of uniform guidelines
§4055 Child support; formula for uniform guidelines
§4056 Court statement of reasons for diverging from guidelines
§4057 Formula amount; correctness of; rebuttable presumption
§4057.5 Consideration of obligee's subsequent spouse or partner
§4058 Annual gross income
§4059 Annual net disposable income; computation
§4060 Monthly net disposable income
§4061 Additional support; computation
§4062 Additional support; items of
§4063 Direct payment to provider
§4064 Adjustment for fluctuating income
§4065 Stipulated amount; approval
§4066 Family support designation
§4067 Uniform guidelines; periodic review and revision
§4068 Judicial Council worksheets
§4069 Establishment of guidelines constitute change of circumstances
§4070 Child support; hardship deductions
§4071 Hardship deductions; types of
§4071.5 Repealed
§4072 Hardship deductions; reasons for; duration
§4073 Hardship deductions; article's goals
§4074 Application
§4075 Child support; article not to affect spousal support
§4076 Phase-in for modification of support to conform with guidelines
§4200 Parent receiving welfare moneys
§4201 Court-ordered payments: enforcement
§4202 Parents reside in different counties
§4203 Expenses of county officer or local support agency are charges upon county
§4204 Subsequent assignment of child support to county; payment to local support agency et al.
§4205 Statement regarding presence of attorney
§4250 Legislative findings; child support commissioners; Office of the Family Law Facilitator
§4251 Cases referred to commissioners; status as temporary judges; duties
§4252 Priorities for commissioners; Judicial Council duties
§4253 Entry by commissioners of default orders
§4300 Spousal support
§4301 Out of separate property
§4302 If living separate from spouse
§4303 Enforcement
§4320 Considerations in ordering
§4321 Denial of separate property support
§4322 When no children and separate estate
§4323 Cohabitation presumption of decreased need
§4324 Prohibition of support or benefits from injured spouse
§4324.5 No spousal support from injured spouse to spouse convicted of violent sexual felony against him/her; atty fees; DOS; pension benefits
§4325 Rebuttable presumption of no spousal support to spouse convicted of domestic violence; standard
§4326 FC 3901(a) child support termination as change of circumstances
§4330 Limited duration, based on marriage standard of living
§4331 Examination by vocational training counselor
§4332 Factual findings of standard of living
§4333 Retroactivity
§4334 Contingent support; notification
§4335 Termination per order or continued jurisdiction
§4336 Indefinite jurisdiction over long marriage
§4337 Death or remarriage
§4338 Enforcement: order of property
§4339 Security for spousal support
§4350 Payment to county officer
§4351 Local support agency enforcement of order, support in arrears
§4352 Expenses of county officer and local support agency
§4360 Purchase of annuity or life insurance
§4400 Parental support
§4401 Promise to pay binding
§4402 Support is cumulative
§4403 County may proceed on behalf of parent
§4404 Considerations in determining amount
§4405 Retained jurisdiction
§4410 Petition to free from obligation
§4411 Conditions
§4412 Issuance of citation; personal service
§4413 Time when court may make order
§4414 Granting of relief
§4500 Enforcement under this code
§4501 Family support order
§4502 Support judgment: enforcement and renewal
§4503 Recovering an arrearage
§4504 Crediting of SSA or RRA payments
§4505 Parent alleges unemployment
§4506 Abstract of judgment; contents
§4506.1 Abstract of support judgment
§4506.2 Substitution of payee
§4506.3 JC to develop consolidated form
§4507 Payment of child or family support
§4508 Account to pay support through EFT
§4550 "Child support obligee"
§4551 Application of chapter
§4552 Judicial Council rules and forms that ensure statewide application
§4553 Compliance with federal law
§4554 Chapter application
§4560 Child support security deposit, trust account
§4561 Institutions eligible
§4562 Evidence of deposit
§4563 Account dissolution
§4565 Notice and application to reduce or eliminate
§4566 Opposing party may file responsive financials
§4567 Order to maximize payment without undue financial hardship
§4570 Disbursement from account if support is late
§4571 Copy of order to obligor
§4572 Copy to depository institution
§4573 Payment through local support agency
§4600 Extraordinary remedies for bad faith failure
§4601 "Deposit holder"
§4602 Statement of account
§4603 Nonliability for good-faith actions
§4604 Fees and costs of deposit holder
§4610 60-day arrearage
§4611 Rebuttal of presumptions
§4612 Defenses to allegation
§4613 Conditions for order to issue
§4614 Asset liquidity; one-year's amount
§4615 Performance bond
§4616 Sale of nonliquid asset
§4617 Deposit of real property
§4620 Ex parte order restraining disposition of property
§4630 Failure to cure default; sale of deposited assets
§4631 Motion to stop sale; hearing
§4632 Grounds to stop sale
§4640 Return of assets: conditions
§4641 Return of real property
§4700 Child Support Delinquency Reporting Law
§4701 Statewide automated system; standards; accuracy of information
§4720 "Support"
§4721 Application of chapter
§4722 30-day arrearage; notice of delinquency; penalty
§4723 Notice of delinquency; contents
§4724 Service
§4725 Motion to obtain judgment
§4726 No penalty: conditions
§4727 Penalty limitations
§4728 Enforcement by writ of execution
§4729 Enforcement using penalties
§4730 Penalties not considered in hearing to set or modify support amount
§4731 Notice of delinquency may be filed at any time
§4732 Judicial Council forms or notices
§4733 Penalties to custodian
§4800 Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act [Repealed]
§4801 Repealed
§4802 Repealed
§4803 Repealed
§4804 Repealed
§4805 Repealed
§4810 Repealed
§4811 Repealed
§4820 Repealed
§4821 Repealed
§4822 Repealed
§4824 Repealed
§4825 Repealed
§4826 Repealed
§4827 Repealed
§4828 Repealed
§4829 Repealed
§4830 Repealed
§4831 Repealed
§4832 Repealed
§4833 Repealed
§4834 Repealed
§4835 Repealed
§4836 Repealed
§4837 Repealed
§4838 Repealed
§4839 Repealed
§4840 Repealed
§4841 Repealed
§4842 Repealed
§4843 Repealed
§4844 Repealed
§4845 Repealed
§4846 Repealed
§4847 Repealed
§4848 Repealed
§4849 Repealed
§4850 Repealed
§4851 Repealed
§4852 Repealed
§4852.1 Repealed
§4853 Repealed
§4854 Repealed
§4900 [Repealed]
§4901 [Repealed]
§4902 [Repealed]
§4903 [Repealed]
§4905 [Repealed]
§4906 [Repealed]
§4907 [Repealed]
§4908 [Repealed]
§4909 [Repealed]
§4910 [Repealed]
§4911 [Repealed]
§4912 [Repealed]
§4913 [Repealed]
§4913.5 [Repealed]
§4914 [Repealed]
§4915 [Repealed]
§4916 [Repealed]
§4917 [Repealed]
§4918 [Repealed]
§4919 [Repealed]
§4920 [Repealed]
§4921 [Repealed]
§4922 [Repealed]
§4923 [Repealed]
§4924 [Repealed]
§4925 [Repealed]
§4926 [Repealed]
§4927 [Repealed]
§4928 [Repealed]
§4929 [Repealed]
§4930 [Repealed]
§4931 [Repealed]
§4932 [Repealed]
§4933 [Repealed]
§4935 [Repealed]
§4940 [Repealed]
§4941 [Repealed] Employer compliance with income-withholding order
§4942 [Repealed]
§4943 [Repealed]
§4944 [Repealed]
§4945 [Repealed]
§4946 [Repealed]
§4950 [Repealed]
§4951 [Repealed]
§4952 [Repealed]
§4953 [Repealed]
§4954 [Repealed]
§4955 [Repealed]
§4956 [Repealed]
§4957 [Repealed]
§4958 [Repealed]
§4959 [Repealed]
§4960 [Repealed]
§4961 [Repealed]
§4962 [Repealed]
§4963 [Repealed]
§4964 [Repealed]
§4965 [Repealed]
§4970 [Repealed]
§4971 [Repealed]
§4975 [Repealed]
§4976 [Repealed]
§4977 [Repealed]
§4978 [Repealed]
§5000 [Repealed]
§5001 [Repealed]
§5002 [Repealed]
§5003 [Repealed]
§5005 [Repealed]
§5100 Enforcement by writ of execution without prior court approval
§5101 Repealed
§5102 Repealed
§5103 Enforcement against employee pension benefit plan
§5104 Affidavit to accompany application for writ
§5200 Definitions govern construction
§5201 Arrearage
§5202 "Assignment order"
§5204 "Due date of support payments"
§5206 "Earnings"
§5208 "Earnings assignment order for support"
§5210 "Employer"
§5212 "IV-D Case"
§5214 "Obligee" or "assigned obligee"
§5216 "Obligor"
§5220 "Timely payment"
§5230 Earnings assignment order
§5230.1 Out-of-state order binding upon obligor's employer
§5230.5 Specification of arrearages
§5231 Binding upon employers
§5232 Service on employer
§5233 Time in which to begin withholding
§5234 Items to obligor
§5235 Withholding to continue until notice
§5236 Consolidated check
§5237 Notification of address change
§5238 Priority given to current support amounts
§5239 Computation of arrearages
§5240 Termination of assignment order: conditions
§5241 Employer's willful failure to withhold and forward
§5242 Service creates lien
§5243 Assignment's priority
§5244 References to DA in chapter
§5245 No limitation on other remedies
§5246 Service of notice of assignment
§5247 Local support agency and employer free of civil liability for withheld earnings
§5250 Pre July 1990 order, absence of assignment order
§5251 Procedure
§5252 Obligee's application
§5253 Issuance of assignment order
§5260 Staying of service for good cause: limitations
§5261 Stay's termination
§5270 Motion to quash; grounds
§5271 Motion to quash; procedure
§5272 Error in amounts not grounds to vacate assignment
§5280 Obligor's whereabouts unknown: local support agency's duties
§5281 Notification of change of employment
§5282 Employer's notification that obligor has left
§5283 Repealed
§5290 Employment to be unaffected by assignment
§5295 Judicial Council forms
§5600 Registration of support or withholding order from another county
§5601 Local support agency's registration procedures for out-of-county support order
§5602 Obligee's registration procedures
§5603 Obligor's noticed motion to vacate registration; procedures
§5604 Out-of-state determination of paternity
§5610 Private child support collector defined
§5611 Contract requirements
§5612 Required disclosures
§5613 Cancellation of contract: Requirements
§5614 Duties
§5615 Action for actual damages for violation of chapter; penalties for willful violation; fees/costs
§5616 Money judgment owed by obligor
§5700.101 Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
§5700.102 Definitions
§5700.103 DCSS is state support enforcement agency
§5700.104 Remedies
§5700.105 State tribunal to apply chapters to support proceedings involving foreign orders, tribunals, persons
§5700.201 Exercise of personal jurisdiction over nonresident individual: conditions
§5700.202 Applicable law; choice of law
§5700.203 Initiating or responding tribunal
§5700.204 Jurisdiction to establish support order: conditions
§5700.205 Jurisdiction over child-support order; modification
§5700.206 Tribunal of this state as initiating tribunal to request tribunal of another state to enforce or modify support order issued there
§5700.207 Recognition of multiple tribunals' orders
§5700.208 Multiple registrations or petitions for enforcement
§5700.209 Amounts credited to out-of-state order
§5700.210 Evidence from, communication with tribunal of another state
§5700.211 Continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify own spousal-support order
§5700.301 Chapter applicability and provisions
§5700.302 Who may maintain proceeding for minor child
§5700.303 Duties of responding tribunal
§5700.304 Petition
§5700.305 Filing petition by responding tribunal; notice; orders and enforcement
§5700.306 Forwarding of pleading to appropriate tribunal
§5700.307 Duties of support enforcement agency to petitioner
§5700.308 AG may compel or provide service
§5700.309 Private counsel
§5700.310 Duties of AG's office as state information agency
§5700.311 Content of petition; verification; certified copy of orders
§5700.312 Nondisclosure of identifying information
§5700.313 Fees and costs
§5700.314 Participation by petitioner in responding tribunal proceedings; limited immunity
§5700.315 Pleading of nonparentage
§5700.316 Procedure and evidence in responding tribunal
§5700.317 Communication and exchange of information with out-of-state tribunal
§5700.318 Discovery
§5700.319 Disbursement and accounting of funds pursuant to support order
§5700.401 Issuance of support orders: conditions
§5700.402 Initiating or responding tribunal in various proceedings
§5700.501 Income-withholding order
§5700.502 Employer compliance with income-withholding order
§5700.503 Employer compliance with multiple income-withholding orders
§5700.504 Employer's civil liability
§5700.505 Employer's willful noncompliance with income-withholding order
§5700.506 Contest of income-withholding order's validity
§5700.507 Enforcement of support or income-withholding order
§5700.601 Registration of out-of-state support or income-withholding order or foreign support order
§5700.602 Information required for registering out-of-state support or income-withholding order or foreign support order
§5700.603 Out-of-state support or income-withholding order or foreign support order: registration and enforcement
§5700.604 Governing law
§5700.605 Tribunal's notice to nonregistering party
§5700.606 Nonregistering party's contest of order's validity
§5700.607 Contesting party's burden of proof; effect
§5700.608 Confirmation of registered order
§5700.609 Modification of out-of-state child support order
§5700.610 Manner of modifying child-support order
§5700.611 Modification of registered child support order: conditions
§5700.612 Recognition of out-of-state tribunal's modification
§5700.613 Jurisdiction to enforce or modify where all parties reside here and child not resident in issuing state
§5700.614 Filing of certified copy of modified order with necessary tribunals
§5700.615 Assumption of jurisdiction to modify child-support order; conditions
§5700.616 Modification of foreign child-support order not under the Convention; registration; grounds
§5700.701 Definitions
§5700.702 Support proceeding under the Convention; section controls where inconsistency
§5700.703 Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) as central authority for specific functions under the Convention
§5700.704 Duties of DCSS
§5700.705 Subjects of petitions
§5700.706 Registration of orders
§5700.707 Contest of a registered Convention support order
§5700.708 Recognition and enforcement of order
§5700.709 Severability
§5700.710 Recognition and enforcement of a foreign support agreement registered here
§5700.711 Non-modification of order; exceptions
§5700.712 Use of personal information
§5700.713 Record in original language, with translation if not English
§5700.801 Governor
§5700.802 Demand on Governor for surrender of criminally charged individual
§5700.901 Application of chapter
§5700.902 Application to proceedings on or after 1/1/16
§5700.903 Severability
§5700.905 Emergency regulations
§6200 Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA)
§6201 DVPA; definitions
§6203 DVPA; abuse
§6205 DVPA; affinity
§6209 DVPA; cohabitant
§6210 DVPA; dating relationship: definition
§6211 DVPA; domestic violence
§6215 DVPA; emergency protective order (EPO)
§6218 DVPA; protective order
§6219 DVPA; superior court demonstration project
§6220 DVPA; purposes
§6221 DVPA; application of order
§6222 DVPA; no filing fee
§6223 DVPA; custody, visitation order
§6224 DVPA; form of order
§6225 DVPA; petition; form
§6226 DVPA; orders; form
§6227 DVPA; non-exclusive remedies
§6228 Domestic violence reports to be supplied to victims
§6229 Minor under 12's appearance to oppose, request TRO or injunction
§6240 DVPA; definitions; enforcement officers
§6241 DVPA; EPOs; judge availability
§6250 DVPA; EPO; ex parte
§6250.3 EPO validity
§6250.5 Ex parte emergency protective order for threat to campus safety
§6251 DVPA; EPO; grounds for
§6252 DVPA; EPO; specific orders
§6252.5 Enjoined party prohibited from acting to obtain address/location of protected party, etc.; good cause
§6253 DVPA; EPO; contents
§6254 DVPA; EPO; leaving household no bar
§6255 DVPA; EPO; issuance without prejudice
§6256 DVPA; EPO; expiration
§6257 DVPA; EPO; endangered child; restraining order
§6270 DVPA; EPO; officer's request in writing
§6271 DVPA; EPO; service and filing
§6272 DVPA; EPO; enforcement; liability
§6273 [Repealed 1/1/14] DVPA; EPO; copies
§6274 DVPA; EPO; peace officer may seek
§6275 DVPA; EPO; procedure for peace officer seeking
§6300 Order if past acts of abuse
§6301 DVPA; EPO; leaving household, filing for dissolution or separation no bar
§6302 DVPA; EPO; notice re nonattendance
§6303 DVPA; support person
§6304 DVPA; EPO; firearm or ammunition prohibition
§6305 DVPA; mutual restraining order; evidence
§6306 DVPA: Search for prior violent felony and misdemeanor convictions, warrants, probation, restraining orders
§6320 DVPA; ex parte restraining order; good cause
§6320.5 Order denying FC 6320 petition for ex parte order
§6321 DVPA; ex parte home exclusion order
§6322 DVPA; other ex parte orders
§6322.5 [Repealed]
§6322.7 Enjoined party prohibited from acting to obtain address/location of protected party, etc.; good cause
§6323 DVPA; custody, visitation; ex parte orders
§6324 DVPA; property; ex parte orders
§6325 DVPA; CP; ex parte restraining orders
§6325.5 Ex parte order restraining party from cashing, borrowing against, canceling, transferring, disposing of, or changing beneficiaries of any insurance or other coverage
§6326 Same-day decision on ex parte orders
§6327 Ex parte order
§6340 Issuance of orders
§6341 DVPA; child support orders
§6342 DVPA; restitution orders
§6343 DVPA; counseling orders
§6344 DVPA; orders for fees and costs
§6345 Duration of order
§6346 Orders under UPA when party has not established parent and child relationship
§6347 Transfer of billing responsibility for and rights to wireless telephone numbers to requesting party; form of order; procedure
§6360 DVPA; protective order in dissolution judgment
§6361 DVPA; protective orders in dissolution judgment; form
§6380 Copies of orders to parties and agencies
§6380.5 Repealed
§6381 DVPA; EPO; law enforcement notice
§6382 DVPA; EPO; law enforcement officers
§6383 DVPA; EPO; service by law enforcement officer
§6384 DVPA; EPO; actual notice by personal appearance
§6385 DVPA; EPO; Dept. of Justice notification
§6386 DVPA; EPO; appointment of counsel for petitioner; fees and costs
§6387 DVPA; EPO; certified copies to petitioner
§6388 DVPA; EPO; violation
§6389 DVPA; possession of firearm or ammunition
§6390 Repealed
§6400 Uniform Interstate Enforcement of DV Protective Orders Act
§6401 Definitions
§6402 Procedure for enforcing foreign protective orders; exceptions
§6403 Law enforcement officer shall enforce valid foreign protection order; filing not required
§6404 Voluntary court registration of foreign protection order for DVROS entry
§6405 Immunity for officer making arrest per foreign protection order; good faith, reasonable casue
§6406 Protected individual may pursue other legal, equitable remedies
§6407 Need to promote uniformity of law among states re DV protection orders
§6408 Severability of invalid provisions
§6409 Effective dates
§6500 Age of minority
§6501 Age of majority
§6502 Use of terms in writings
§6550 Caregiver's consent for minor's medical care
§6552 Caregiver's authorization affidavit
§6600 Minor civilly liable
§6601 Minor may enforce rights
§6602 Contract for attorney's services
§6700 Power to make contract
§6701 Powers minor doesn't have
§6710 Contract disaffirmance
§6711 Obligation entered under authority of statute
§6712 Nondisaffirmance: requirements
§6713 Disaffirmance; transfer of goods
§6750 Application to specified contracts
§6751 Contract approved by superior court
§6752 Portion of minor's earnings to be set aside
§6753 Trust for employed minors
§6900 Construction
§6901 "Dental care"
§6902 "Medical care"
§6903 "Parent or guardian"
§6910 Consent to medical care
§6911 Court may grant consent
§6920 Minor may consent; limitations
§6921 Disaffirmance
§6922 Conditions for consent to medical care
§6924 Mental health treatment
§6925 Pregnancy-related care
§6926 Infectious, contagious, or communicable disease
§6927 Rape
§6928 Sexual assault
§6929 Drug or alcohol related problem
§6950 Enlistment in armed forces
§7000 Emancipation of Minors Law
§7001 Purposes
§7002 Conditions
§7050 Considered as adult: conditions
§7051 Insurance contract
§7052 Ownership of stock or other property
§7110 Legislative intent
§7111 Entitlement to W&I code benefits
§7120 Minor's petition for emancipation
§7121 Notice to custodians and DA
§7122 Sustaining of petition
§7123 Writ of mandate
§7130 Fraud or indigency
§7131 Petition to void declaration
§7132 Petition to rescind
§7133 Notice; liability to guardian
§7134 Order following petition
§7135 Voiding or rescission, effect on contracts
§7140 DMV information
§7141 Minor's representations to others
§7142 Liability for false information from DMV
§7143 Voiding or rescission; DMV
§7500 Services and earnings of child; parental entitlement
§7501 Custodial parent; change of residence
§7502 Property of child; no parental control
§7503 Child's earnings; paid to child until notice of claim by parent
§7504 Child's earnings; right of control; parent's relinquishment of
§7505 Child; authority of parent over; cessation
§7506 Child post-majority continuation of service and support; no compensation to either party
§7507 Abuse of parental authority; civil action by child; freedom from dominion; duty of support enforced
§7540 Paternity; presumption where wife cohabiting with husband
§7541 Paternity; presumption husband not father; resolution by blood tests
§7550 Uniform Act on Blood Tests to Determine Paternity
§7551 Proceeding in which paternity a fact
§7551.5 Facilitation of genetic testing
§7552 Tests to be conducted by experts
§7552.5 Blood test results served on all parties; statement of records custodian
§7553 Compensation of experts
§7554 Conclusion of experts
§7555 Paternity index; presumptions
§7556 Application to criminal actions
§7557 Production of other experts
§7558 Local support agency's administrative order for genetic testing
§7570 Legislative intent regarding establishing paternity
§7571 Declaration upon live birth
§7572 Informational material
§7573 Force and effect of voluntary paternity declaration
§7574 Contents of declaration
§7575 Rebutting of presumption
§7576 Registration of declaration
§7577 Voluntary declaration of paternity signed by minor
§7600 Uniform Parentage Act
§7601 "Natural parent"; "parent and child relationship"
§7602 Extension of relationship
§7603 Application of section
§7604 Pendente lite relief: conditions
§7604.5 Bills admissible as evidence of costs
§7605 Access to attorneys; order for payment of other party's fees/costs: income, needs assessment
§7606 Definitions
§7610 Establishment of relationship
§7611 Presumptions as natural parent
§7611.5 Paternity; no presumption of
§7612 Presumptions rebuttable
§7613 Assisted reproduction
§7613.5 Intended parent may use the forms to show intent to be a legal parent of a child conceived through assisted reproduction; limited applicability
§7614 Promise in writing of support
§7620 Conception in state
§7630 Actions regarding parent and child relationship
§7631 [Repealed]
§7632 Agreement does not bar action
§7633 Action may be brought before birth
§7634 Local support agency may bring action
§7635 Parties to action
§7635.5 Alleged father's right to genetic testing, set aside information
§7636 Judgment determinative
§7637 Other provisions in best interests of child
§7638 Change of child's name
§7639 New birth certificate
§7640 Costs and fees payable proportionally by parties
§7641 Enforcement of father's obligations
§7642 Continuing jurisdiction
§7643 Hearing or trial in closed court
§7644 Voluntary declaration of paternity
§7645 Definitions
§7646 Setting aside paternity judgment upon motion if gentic testing indicates no biological paternity
§7647 Conditions for granting motion set aside, vacate paternity judgment
§7647.5 GAL for child
§7647.7 Genetic testing, conduct of, order for
§7648 Denial of motion despite genetic testing results if in best interest of child; factors
§7648.1 Denial of motion per FC 7648 requires statement on record
§7648.2 Applies only to cases where support enforcement services provided by local support agency per §17400
§7648.3 Limitations re set aside of paternity judgment
§7648.4 Vacation of prior order for support, arrearages after set aside of paternity judgment
§7648.8 Does not establish basis for adoption termination nor affect adoptive parent obligation
§7648.9 No basis for set aside of paternity judgment re child conceived by artificial insemination
§7649 Other provisions
§7649.5 Good faith estate distribution or trustee, insurance, pension payment
§7650 Mother and child relationship
§7660 Adoption, notice to presumed parent
§7660.5 Father's written waiver of right to adoption notice; form; requirements; ICWA
§7661 Adoption, notice to mother
§7662 Adoption, petition to terminate parental rights
§7663 Inquiry in order to identify all alleged fathers and presumed parents
§7664 Notice of proceeding to father; best interests of child
§7665 Termination of unknown father's rights
§7666 Notice to every possible biological father
§7667 Time set for hearing; precedence
§7668 Continuance: procedure, cause
§7669 Appeal from order for consent
§7670 No fee for petition
§7671 One petition may be filed to terminate parental rights of alleged father(s) of two or more biological siblings or to terminate parental rights of two or more alleged fathers of the same child
§7700 Dissolution; summons; TRO
§7710 Dissolution; ex parte orders
§7720 Dissolution; protective orders
§7730 Dissolution; judgment; protective, restraining orders
§7800 Purpose of part
§7801 Liberal construction
§7802 Proceeding to declare minor free
§7803 Freedom declaration terminates parent responsibility
§7804 Party to act on child's behalf
§7805 Inspection of petition, court records & briefs
§7806 No fee
§7807 Sections not applicable
§7808 Part doesn't apply to minor adjudged dependent of juvenile court
§7810 [Repealed] Indian child custody; tribal membership; ICWA compliance
§7820 Declaration that child free from custody
§7821 Finding supported by clear and convincing evidence
§7822 Evidence of intent to abandon
§7823 Requirements to bring proceeding
§7824 "Disability"; requirements to bring proceeding
§7825 Felony or other crimes of parent
§7826 Developmentally disabled or incapable of support
§7827 "Mentally disabled"; expert evidence
§7840 Petition filed by various agencies
§7841 Interested party
§7842 One petition may be filed to free a child, or more than one biological siblings, from the custody and control of both parents
§7845 County where filed
§7850 Immediate investigation of circumstances
§7851 Report and records
§7851.5 Petitioner liable for reasonable costs
§7852 Qualified court investigator
§7860 Counsel appointed
§7861 Counsel for child
§7862 Unable to afford
§7863 Compensation of private counsel
§7864 Continuance to appoint counsel
§7870 Expeditious proceedings
§7871 Continuance
§7880 Citation to appear
§7881 Service of citation
§7882 Publication
§7883 Failure to appear
§7884 Proceedings not open to public
§7890 Child's wishes
§7891 In chambers hearing
§7892 Testimony in chambers
§7892.5 Declaring Indian child free from custody of parent; required findings
§7893 Guardian or adoption agency
§7894 Judgment conclusive
§7895 Appeal; appointment of counsel
§7900 Interstate Compact on Placement of Children
§7901 Provisions
§7901.1 Home environment study requested from another state re placement; timing
§7902 Financial responsibility
§7903 "Appropriate public authorities"
§7904 "Appropriate authority in receiving state"
§7905 Agencies empowered to enter into agreements
§7906 Out-of-state requirements met
§7906.5 Home environment study requested from another state with custody of child; timing
§7907 Placement restriction
§7907.3 Application to Indian child
§7907.5 Child born and placed for adoption in this state with state resident not subject to ICPA
§7908 Delinquents
§7908.5 "Jurisdiction" as used in ICPC—technical clarification only
§7909 "Executive head"
§7910 Interstate placement approval
§7911 Legislative intent that DSS act as compact's administrator
§7911.1 DSS authority to investigate threats; group home reporting requirements; inspections; assessment and placement recommendations
§7912 Placement in out-of-state group home; suspension; investigation
§7913 Delegation to agency re ICPC placement
§7950 Priorities for foster care placement
§7951 Good cause considerations
§7952 Records to prove diligent search
§7953 Repealed
§7954 Repealed
§7960 Definitions
§7961 Deposit of client funds
§7962 Assisted reproduction agreement; format, requirements
§8500 Definitions govern construction
§8502 Adoption service provider
§8503 "Adoptive parent"
§8506 "Agency adoption"
§8509 "Applicant"
§8512 "Birth parent"
§8513 "County adoption agency"
§8514 "Days"
§8515 "Delegated county adoption agency"
§8518 "Department"
§8521 "Full-service adoption agency"
§8524 "Independent adoption"
§8527 "Intercountry adoption"
§8530 "Licensed adoption agency"
§8533 "Noncustodial adoption agency"
§8539 Adoption; place for
§8542 "Prospective adoptive parent"
§8543 Adoption; qualified court investigator
§8545 "Special-needs child"
§8548 "Stepparent adoption"
§8600 Unmarried minor
§8600.5 Tribal customary adoption not applicable
§8601 Age of adoptor
§8601.5 Nunc pro tunc adoption orders; circumstances; public benefit eligibility per date of final hearing
§8602 Child's consent
§8603 Spousal consent
§8604 Birth parent consent
§8605 No presumed father
§8606 Birth parent consent not required
§8606.5 Consent to adoption by Indian child's parent; requirements
§8607 Release forms' notices
§8608 Form & content of reports
§8609 Unlicensed advertising or placement
§8609.5 Adoption of a nondependent minor; venue
§8610 Accounting report
§8611 Court hearings private
§8612 Court to examine persons
§8613 Military person; appearance by counsel
§8613.5 Waiver of personal appearance of prospective adoptive parent; circumstances
§8614 Certificate
§8615 Deceased spouse
§8616 Legal relationship
§8616.5 Kinship adoption: agreement for continuing contact with birth relatives
§8617 Existing parent or parents' responsibility
§8613.7 Court notice of eligibility for possible reduced-cost or no-cost government coverage
§8618 Taking family name
§8619 Degree of Indian blood
§8619.5 Vacation of adoption decree of Indian child or consent to termination; petition for return of custody by parent
§8620 Form re Indian tribe membership for file in relinquishment/adoption case
§8621 Adoption; regulations; monitoring
§8622 Adoption; licensed private providers; duty to inform
§8623 Adoption facilitator
§8624 Adoption facilitator advertisements
§8625 Adoption facilitator prohibitions
§8626 Disclosure
§8627 Multiple clients
§8628 Information on child from birth parents
§8629 Adoption; period to revoke contract
§8630 Fees
§8631 Contracts; minimum contents
§8632 Verbal explanation of contract
§8632.5 Regulations for statewide registration process for adoption facilitators
§8633 Penalty for chapter violation
§8634 Rules of contracts apply
§8635 [Repealed] Attorney fees
§8636 Bonding and business license
§8637 Attorney acting as adoption facilitator
§8638 Civil actions for violation of chapter
§8639 Adoption facilitator operating outside of registry; penalties
§8700 Sole right to relinquish
§8700.5 Waiver of the right to revoke relinquishment
§8701 Future request for adoption status
§8702 Statement to birth parents at relinquishment
§8703 Notice to birth parents
§8704 Agency responsibilities
§8704.5 Foster care license for nondependent child relinquished to a licensed private agency; requirements
§8705 Authority to place where persons deceased
§8706 Medical background report
§8707 Statewide photo-listing service
§8707.1 Agency recruiting potential adoptive parents shall make diligent efforts to recruit those who reflect the ethnic, racial, and cultural diversity of the children; not to affect ICWA
§8708 Order of placement preferences
§8709 Religious background of child
§8710 Diligent search
§8710.1 Absence of adoptive placement plan; registration with exchange system
§8710.2 Establishment of statewide exchange system
§8710.3 Registration of approved family; exceptions
§8710.4 Accessibility and confidentiality of exchange system information
§8711 Application of sections
§8711.5 Department to adopt regulations
§8712 Criminal record
§8713 Removal or concealment
§8714 Petition to adopt
§8714.5 Adoption by relative; legislative intent
§8714.7 Renumbered
§8715 Department or agency to file report
§8716 Fee
§8717 Report copies to petitioner
§8718 Appearance before court
§8719 Withdrawal or dismissal
§8720 Court review of denial or unsuitability
§8730 Abbreviated home study assessment
§8731 Assessment or home study of foster parent; six-month residency
§8732 Report of medical examination
§8733 Adoptive parent to be provided specific-needs information
§8734 Adoption training programs
§8735 Denial of approval; inability to provide mental or emotional health; notice to foster care agency
§8736 Chapter requirements not basis for removal; exceptions
§8800 Conflict of interest
§8801 Selection by "personal knowledge"
§8801.3 Adoption; requirements for placement
§8801.5 Adoption; birth parent; advisement of rights
§8801.7 Adoption; birth parent; post-advisement interview
§8802 Petition
§8803 Removal or concealment
§8804 Withdrawal or dismissal
§8805 Removal from petitioners' home
§8806 Birth parents' consent
§8807 Investigation of independent adoption
§8808 Petitioner interview
§8809 Failure to conduct interview
§8810 Fees to fund independent adoption program
§8811 Criminal records check
§8811.5 Preplacement evaluation to certify prospective adoptive parents
§8812 Request for fees to be in writing
§8813 Future request for information
§8814 Signing of consent
§8814.5 Adoption; birth parent; consent; affirmance, revocation, waiver
§8815 Adoption; consent; time for revocation
§8816 Agency consent
§8817 Medical background report
§8818 Statement to parents
§8819 Statement at termination
§8820 Appeal by birth parents
§8821 Copies of reports or findings to petitioner
§8822 Court review of denial
§8823 Appearance before court
§8900 Intercountry adoptions
§8900.5 Definitions
§8901 Regulations
§8902 Services to be provided
§8903 Full responsibility for child
§8904 Services for foreign finalization
§8905 Written agreements between agencies
§8906 Financial responsibility agreements
§8907 Fees
§8908 Criminal record
§8909 Written medical report
§8910 Removal from county
§8911 Petition
§8912 Filing of petition
§8913 Court appearance
§8914 Report
§8915 Copy of reports to petitioner
§8916 Withdrawal or dismissal
§8917 Court review of denial
§8918 Removal from petitioners
§8919 Adoption; foreign; readoption
§8920 Readoption out of foreign-born sibling group; petition for visitation
§8921 Adoption facilitator—registration, bond and approval
§8923 Complaints; procedure
§8924 Child emigrating to convention country; procedure and consent
§8925 Hague adoption certificate
§9000 Stepparent adoptions
§9000.5 Stepparent adoptions where one spouse/partner gave birth to the child during marriage or domestic partnership, including civil union from another jurisdiction
§9001 Investigation
§9002 Reasonable costs
§9003 Consent
§9004 Notice
§9005 Withdrawal of consent
§9006 Withdrawal of petition
§9007 Court appearance
§9100 Evidence of developmental disability
§9101 Adoption set aside
§9102 Time to initiate action
§9200 Inspection of documents
§9201 Information furnished to other agencies
§9202 Medical report copies to parties
§9202.5 Access to blood sample
§9203 Agency duties
§9203.1 Request for disclosure of adoption homestudy
§9204 Contact with adult adoptee
§9205 Release of biological sibling information
§9206 Release of personal effects
§9208 Final order of adoption of Indian child to Secretary of Interior
§9209 Provision of tribal affiliation information to adopted Indian upon turning 18
§9210 Jurisdiction
§9212 Applicability to interstate adoptions
§9300 Adult adoption
§9301 Spousal consent
§9302 Adoptee's spouse's consent
§9303 Waiting period
§9304 Taking name
§9305 Legal relationship
§9306 Relieved of duties
§9307 Open to public
§9320 Adoption of younger adult
§9321 Petition for approval
§9321.5 Petition for adult adoption; venue
§9322 Hearing
§9323 Notice to interested parties
§9324 Appearance
§9325 Investigation
§9326 Service of notice
§9327 Provider of services to developmentally disabled
§9328 Examination
§9340 Petition to terminate
§10000 Family Law Facilitator Act
§10001 Legislative findings
§10002 Family law facilitator
§10003 Application of division
§10004 Services provided by facilitator
§10005 Additional duties prescribed by court
§10006 Protocol for ultimate access to hearing
§10007 Facilitator provided at no cost
§10008 Services provided under FC 17400
§10010 Judicial Council to establish standards, forms and court rules
§10011 DSS to utilize federal funding
§10012 Separate meetings in cases of domestic violence
§10013 No attorney client relationship with facilitator
§10014 Family law facilitator's employees to maintain confidences
§10015 Forms notifying parties of relationship and services
§10100 Friend of the Court Act
§10101 Legislative intent
§10102 Application for federal funding
§15000 Legislative intent regarding meaningful access to family court by lower-income litigants; information centers
§15010 Information center pilot projects
§15012 Division repeal
§17000 Definitions
§17200 Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) created
§17202 DCSS to administer Title IV-D state plan
§17204 Director and other administrative units
§17206 DCSS structure and staff
§17208 Efficient child support enforcement
§17210 Accessible local DCSS offices
§17211 Demonstration Training and Employment Projects
§17212 Confidentiality of information and files
§17300 Appointment of Director
§17302 Director's duties
§17303 Legislative findings
§17304 County DCSS departments
§17305 Transition to new system
§17306 Uniform procedures and forms mandated
§17307 Authority of DCSS re effects of changes in timing of support payments resulting from initial implementation of State Disbursement Unit
§17308 Delegation of responsibility by Director
§17309 Centralized Collection and Distribution Unit
§17309.5 Payment directions for withholding employers
§17310 Regulations and policies
§17311 Child Support Payment Trust Fund
§17311.5 Department may enter trust agreement to receive, disburse collections
§17311.7 Transfer of activities from county to State Disbursement Unit; county auditor's closeout
§17312 "Adoption of regulations, orders or standards"
§17314 Appointment of assistants and employees
§17316 No conflict of interest by Director
§17318 Certain Govt. Code provisions shall apply to DCSS
§17320 DCSS shall avoid federal penalties
§17325 Child support payments directly deposited to an account of the recipient's choice per Electronic Fund Transfer Act; qualifying account; requirements; definitions
§17390 Legislative finding and declaration; utilization of California Child Support Enforcement System
§17391 Statewide Child Support Registry; implementation plan; provision of information by clerks of court; duties of department
§17392 Development of forms for implementation of Statewide Child Support Registry; information transmitted by clerks of court
§17393 Development of forms by Judicial Council
§17400 Responsibilities of local DCSS offices
§17400.5 Disabled obligor; SSI and support order modification
§17401 Time limits to initiate actions upon notice of obligor's address
§17401.5 Information about availability of child support service hearings
§17402 Amount of reimbursement to county by parents
§17402.1 Local agency to remit received assistance payments
§17404 Proceedings in DCSS child support actions
§17404.1 Summons and order re personal appearance; papers
§17404.2 Filing in inappropriate jurisdiction; forwarding; residence of parties
§17404.3 Telephone, audiovisual, or other electronic means permitted in child support cases where local support agency is providing support services
§17404.4 Notice to change payee on support order issued in CA, upon request from enforcement agency of another state
§17405 Interview of custodial parent; time limits
§17406 Required notices to parties by DCSS; DCSS represents county not parent
§17407 Attorney General may appeal orders with which it disagrees
§17407.5 Declaration of state reciprocity remains in full force and effect; exceptions
§17408 Consolidation of actions in multiple counties
§17410 Voluntary declaration of paternity to be provided
§17412 Effect of voluntary declaration of paternity
§17414 Judgment pursuant to written stipulation establishing paternity
§17415 Single parent to be referred to DCSS upon application for welfare
§17416 Voluntary judgment without action determining paternity
§17418 Needs of all children of both parties to be considered
§17420 Earnings assignment order mandatory
§17422 Medical insurance for children
§17424 Medical insurance form completion
§17428 Supplemental complaint and judgment
§17430 Entry of judgment on defendant's failure to appear
§17432 Relief from default
§17433 Mistaken identity
§17433.5 Accrual of interest
§17434 Booklet describing procedures and information hotline
§17440 DCSS to work with military/National Guard re modification
§17441 Expedited modification order
§17450 Definitions
§17452 FTB to make tax return information available to dept. upon request; privacy; elief from liability
§17453 Financial Institution Data Match System [FIDMS]
§17454 Notices; designated address; depository withholding of obligor's credits, other things of value
§17456 Compliance; deposit accounts
§17458 [Repealed] Deposit of amounts collected; State Treasury, Special Deposit Fund
§17460 Reciprocal agreements with other states as needed; IRS
§17500 Collection and enforcement of child support
§17501 Repealed
§17502 Undeliverable payments; suspension of interest
§17504 $50 of child support not considered income for aid calculation
§17504.1 Notice of assigned support payments made on behalf of CalWORKs recipient
§17505 Cooperation between agencies and exchange of information
§17506 Parent Locator Service and Central Registry
§17508 Employment Development Dept. to share information
§17509 DCSS shall identify obligors without Earning Withholding Orders in place
§17510 Worker's compensation notification project
§17512 Employers and labor unions to provide relevant information
§17514 Confidentiality of child abduction records
§17516 Benefits not to be used to satisfy support obligation
§17518 Actions to be taken to enforce support obligation
§17520 License suspension procedures
§17521 Proper court
§17522 Levies on property to collect support
§17522.5 Securities held for delinquent child support; levy, liquidation
§17523 Child support liens on personal property
§17523.5 Duty to collect; lien against the real property of a obligor as digital or digitized electronic record
§17524 Applicant's statement of arrearages
§17525 Notice to obligor of support delinquency
§17526 Review by DCSS of claimed arrearages
§17528 PERS's role in child support collection
§17530 Erroneous enforcement actions
§17531 Closing of child support case: deletion of criminal history information
§17540 Payment of county claims for reimbursement; time limits; exceptions
§17550 Regulations re compromise of obligor parent's liability to public aid debt for child living with him/her; conditions
§17552 Regulations re reference to local child support agency; factors
§17555 Appropriation for augmenting funding for local child support agencies
§17560 Uniform child support arrears collection enhancement process
§17561 Annual report on CCSAS implementation
§17600 Program compliance
§17601 Quarterly actual performance data on collections
§17602 Performance reports
§17604 Failure of public agencies to comply with state plan
§17700 Repealed
§17701 Quality assurance and performance improvement monitoring
§17702 Counties' compliance
§17702.5 Child Support Collections Recovery Fund
§17703 Child Support Services Advance Fund; purpose
§17704 Child support incentive payments
§17706 Encouragement of counties to support program
§17708 Incentive program
§17710 Excess administrative costs borne by counties
§17712 Excess cost of child support commissioners/facilitators
§17714 Excess funds used only for child support purposes
§17800 Complaint resolution
§17801 Hearing to resolve complaint
§17802 [Repealed] Cooperation by Franchise Tax Board
§17803 Petition for court review
§17804 Time to establish complaint resolution process
§20000 Purposes: child, spousal support pilot projects
§20001 Santa Clara and San Mateo pilot projects
§20002 Duration of pilot projects
§20010 Application of San Mateo pilot project
§20011 Temporary orders: San Mateo pilot project
§20012 Family Law Evaluator: San Mateo pilot project
§20013 No cost for Evaluator
§20014 Family Law Evaluator; unrepresented party
§20015 Access to hearing
§20016 Election to publish booklet
§20017 Family Law Evaluator; qualifications
§20018 Temporary support orders
§20019 Mediation: contested custody, visitation
§20020 Documents: contested custody, visitation
§20021 Sanctions: contested custody, visitation
§20022 Review of tax returns: contested custody, visitation
§20023 Inapplicable to child provided for by DA
§20024 [Repealed] Family Law Evaluator; costs
§20025 [Repealed]
§20026 Pilot project savings
§20030 Santa Clara pilot project
§20031 Application of Santa Clara pilot project
§20032 Time for hearing
§20033 Suspension of I & E use
§20034 Attorney-Mediator
§20035 Temporary support orders
§20036 Exemptions
§20037 Inapplicable to child provided for by DA
§20038 Mediation scheduling order
§20039 [Repealed] Costs
§20040 Booklet
§20041 Centralization of existing programs
§20042 [Repealed]
§20043 Pilot project savings