...Education Code
§22006 Exemption from execution or other process; unassignability; exceptions
§22007.5 Spouse includes registered domestic partner
§22112.5 Class of employees
§22112.6 Changing special education to regular program; days of service; class election
§22133 STRS: Family allowance
§22133.5 STRS: Final benefit
§22134 STRS: Final compensation
§22134.5 Final compensation
§22142 STRS: Indexed final compensation
§22157 STRS: Projected final compensation
§22222 STRS: adjustment of benefits
§22252 STRS: prohibited transactions
§22335 Teacher Tax-Sheltered Annuity Fund
§22453 STRS: signature of spouse
§22454 STRS: spouse refusal to sign
§22650 Power of court in dissolution or separation action
§22651 Definition of nonmember spouse
§22652 Court orders
§22653 Nonmember spouse entitlements
§22655 Accumulated retirement contribution refunds
§22656 Accumulated retirement contribution refunds
§22657 STRS: Applicable statutory provisions for nonmember spouse as if member or retirant
§22658 Separate accounts of nonmember spouse administered separately
§22659 Proof of nonmember spouse information
§22660 Beneficiary designation by nonmember spouse
§22661 Accumulated retirement contribution refunds
§22662 Redepositing accumulated retirement contributions
§22663 Additional service credit
§22664 STRS: Retirement allowance rights
§22665 STRS: Determining member's eligibility for service retirement or disability allowance
§22666 Intent of Legislature
§22714 Retirement of certificated teachers; additional two years of service credit
§22717 STRS: retirement credits
§22717.5 Credits for accumulated and unused leave of absence for education
§22801 Election to receive additional service credit; payment of contributions prior to retirement
§22801.5 Coverage under Defined Benefit Program; additional service credit for time under PERS
§22820 Election to purchase credit for out-of-state service
§22821 Procedure
§22823 Method of contribution
§22824 Chapter limitations
§22825 Operative date
§22826 Credit for nonqualified service; method of contribution to fund
§23300 Beneficiary designation
§23700 Beneficiary designation
§23701 STRS: disability and death benefit programs
§23702 STRS: eligibility
§23703 STRS: election of disability
§23704 STRS: election: spouse refusal to sign
§23705 STRS: election: receipt
§23706 STRS: election: failure to file
§23805 STRS: family allowance
§23805.5 STRS: dependent parent: conditions
§23810 Family allowance; death or disqualification
§24202 STRS: preretirement election
§24202.5 Retirement allowance for retirement on or after January 1, 1999
§24203 STRS: retirement annual allowances
§24203.5 STRS: Increase in percentage used to compute allowance for those retiring 1/1/99 and after
§24203.6 STRS: Retirement annual allowances; schedule prior to section 24300 modification
§24204 STRS: preretirement election
§24205 STRS: election to receive one-half service retirement allowance; reversion to full allowance
§24300 Election of modified retirement allowance options
§24307 STRS: death benefits: beneficiary
§24307.5 STRS: allowance modification
§24309 STRS: cancellation of election
§24323 [Former §24306] STRS: option beneficiary predeceases member or dies after member's retirement
§24330 [Former §24308] STRS: preretirement election
§24342 [Former §24306.7] STRS: change of options for certain members with pre-January 1991 retirements
§24343 [Former §24313] STRS: death of option beneficiary; retirement allowance without modification; conditions
§24344 [Former §24312] STRS: change of preretirement option election
§24402 STRS: allowances payable
§24613 Benefits payable; community property
§24613.5 Board not required to determine powers of trustee or validity of trust
§24975 Deferred compensation plans; conditions
§24976 Teachers' Deferred Compensation Fund
§25000 Defined Benefit Supplement Program; establishment and administration
§25000.5 Compliance with IRC and Revenue and Taxation Code
§25000.7 Vested right to benefit
§25000.9 Nonmember spouse
§25001 Gain and Loss Reserve segregated account
§25002 Annuitant Reserve segregated account
§25003 Transfers between segregated accounts
§25004 Nominal accounts; credit balance to determine amount due upon termination
§25005 Annual plan amendment to declare rate of interest credit
§25006 Additional earnings credit; considerations
§25007 Additional annuity credit; payment; considerations
§25008 Vesting
§25008.5 Distribution of Defined Benefit Supplement not applied for; distribution procedure
§25009 Retirement benefit amount; payment
§25010 Eligibility requirements
§25011 Benefit received as monthly annuity
§25012 Calculation of annuity value
§25013 Transfer of credit balance after electing annuity
§25014 Reinstatement from service retirement
§25015 Election of joint and survivor annuity; individual or multiple beneficiaries
§25016 Disability benefit; value and payment
§25017 Eligibility requirements
§25018 Disability benefit taken as annuity
§25018.5 Recurrence of disability; determining onset, duration
§25019 Termination of disability or disability retirement allowance
§25020 Final benefit
§25021 Beneficiary's election to receive final benefit as an annuity
§25022 Final benefit of member receiving annuity
§25022.5 Death of nonmember spouse
§25023 Final benefit of member receiving joint and survivor annuity
§25024 Termination benefit; certification by employer; application
§25024.5 Reemployment; timing re termination benefit; exception
§25025 When termination benefit payable
§27400 Power of court in marriage dissolution or legal separation; rights of nonparticipant spouses in Cash Balance Benefit Program
§27401 Nonparticipant spouse
§27402 Division of employee and employer credits into separate nominal accounts; credits not awarded; determination of community property rights
§27403 Status of nonparticipant spouse; rights and benefits
§27404 Rights from creditable service
§27405 Determination of community rights in annuity
§27406 Right to lump-sum distribution from separate nominal accounts
§27407 Joinder of plan
§27408 Applicable statutes
§27409 Provision of information
§27410 Beneficiary designation
§27411 Eligibility for annuity: conditions
§27412 Annuity eligibility
§27413 Terminable interest doctrine